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Posts Tagged photography services

Posts Tagged ‘photography services’

You Get What You Pay For!

You get what you pay for! We hear that phrase so many times. Well, in the photography business you do get a lot of requests for discounts and that cheeky one – do it for free, it will be good for your portfolio, I can help you increase your visibility. No better still, this freebie shoot will promote you. All this coming from potentials that don’t even have the same amount of followers you have. Not even a 10th.

Well this is all well and good for those starting out and we have all done our fair share or even had our fair share of portfolio building, friends helping out. But when you’ve been in the business for a few years now – it is a bit cheeky as a potential client to make such a request. It’s not just about taking pictures. A lot of hard work and thought goes into the work we do. Before and after. The images created are just the beginning. Post production is a lot of work and requires a lot of time; often days.

We’ve invested so show us some courtesy and invest or don’t request something as ridiculous as pro bono when you are not a charity.

I do charity shoots and a max of 2 per year. It is quite fulfilling to help an organisation or an event that is there for the sole purpose of helping others. Your entrepreneurial exploit is not a charity, so don’t expect charitable donations.

A note to photographers too: Show some faith in your work and efforts. You are worth it. You have worked hard for it and you should expect and importantly be given the rewards that merit the hard work.

Funnily enough, this was not the planned blog for November, but this topic got me thinking and I needed to get my 10 pence worth out.

Buyers, stop being so bloody minded and pay for a service just like any other service with the price it deserve. Don’t ask for QUALITY with a ‘budget budget’ as a trade. If so, you get what you pay for!
A very apt video on ‘Exposure’. Buyers beware.

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